Thanks for the link, it's a little disappointing but thank you anyway:D.
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I hope this is only temporary as I don't like the gamefaq layout.
Kai Leng isn't a new character to the story just new to the games he is mentioned alot in the books, but I do agree with the Aria thing a little as I would have loved it if Shepard could have taken her down a peg or two but then I guess he wouldn't have got her help suppose.
To be fair they did give Kai Leng an advantage on Thessia (SPOILER ALERT)............. As he had a gunship covering his ass if it hadn't been for that thing shooting at Shepard, Kai Leng would have died there.
How do they move forward from these endings? Mass Effect 4 if there is to be one must be set in the past as they have seemingly made it impossible to have it set in the future, unless it is in a future where the council races have developed new technology not based on Reaper tech.
Answers I would like lol:
Why is Joker flying the normandy away from the battle?
How did Liara get on the Normandy when she was part of my team running towards the beam?
How does Shepard end up on earth or is that even Shepard in the N7 armour?
Why couldn't we have a 4th ending? Where all the Reapers are killed and all the surviving members of Shepards team along with Shepard have a party. Then Shepard looks to one side to see the ghostly images of his fallen comrades along with the illusive man who can be seen like he was before he was indoctrinated. Why can't we have that ending?? (Note to bioware ask George Lucas' permission first. Oh and could it be possible that a volus without his suit on looks like a Ewok?)
Fallout 3 is a example as when you shot someones head off it was in slow motion, and I think it added a touch of realism in that game when you went back to the same point and the body was still there as bodies dont just disappear when you kill them. It did add to the quality of the game. Maybe games should come with the option to switch off the gore factor for those who dont appreciate the realism. I think you have to put things in perspective when you are shooting something in games like Gears of War you are doing so out of self defense and you might say it's not appropriate to use a chainsaw to kill someone but when that someone is a big alien who wants to kill you maybe a chainsaw to the jugular vein is the only way to survive. I have more of a people with the violence in movies like Saw than I ever would in any of the games I have played as the violence in most games comes out of a sense of self defence where as in Saw it is sadistic premeditated torturious act to cause suffering.I think it's good in a shooter to show the real effects of shooting someone. In the same way I think you should be far more vulnerable in such games.
It's preferable over the tom and jerry style everyone recovers from anything type of violence common in many games.
I know it's not a real shooter but Fallout 3 has lots of good moments like that and the fact corpses stay around is pretty cool too.
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