I've always been a PS guy. Started with Tandy Tasbo Colour Computer and moved to Commodor 64, then Atari3600. After that IBM PC then Sega mega drive and Sega Nomad. Turned to PS1 at its launch thn PS2. Got into PC gaming for a while but seemed like too much work so bought a PS3 and really happy with it. For me the up was free online gaming on PSN. Now that there is a fee on both Xbox1 and PS4 and reversal of DRM policies by MS, I'm thinking of getting an Xbox1 so that I can try out Halo and others. Also PS4 being cheaper is somehow a downer for me. Kinect seems a plus. Guess I'll wait and see what kind of games come out for both systems and than decide. I would get both systems but don't get enough time to even fully experience PS3 so I will just be going for a single system. And it would def have been PS4 if online gaming was free.
I cannot wait for the holiday season to go buy a PS4 just to kick MS in the teeth. Like a wise man once said :) "They may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!"
But I don't think the developers are getting anything in this scenario since only Microsoft will be getting paid for use of used games. Developers in both cases are no gonna get anything on used games.
The match between couples and siblings regarding if one what's to watch tv and the other wants the play game is going to be a shout fest with this kinect thing on. Living room brawl here we come ..... NOT. p.s. PS4 FTW.
What streaming TV. I'm lucky if my Internet can play gamespot video reviews. Anyway I think now a day every home has a large LED for TV viewing and a smaller one for game setup and I have no need to see tv channels on my gaming tv.
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