@PS2fweak @atamanoyare Its annoying because these particular journalists seemed to have missed half a year worth of coverage on this game, so much that they didn't know was it about. Action game? Its an action platformer and it has always been from the start. It looks miles beyond Limbo which was a barebones experience.
Im not sure what trailers Gamespot has been watching, but the original trailer showed lots of platforming (the game main drive) action and narrative. Also shown in subsequent expos and trailers... in fact developers say its a mixture of Metroid with Super Meat Boy.
The game looks fantastic, the best platformer on the horizon.
Im a big FF fan and i still havent played this game. I think it would be best to play FFX HD, as its a better representation of the franchise's quality and can be played on the ps3. Other than that, going back to FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX is never a bad idea.
I agree that the grind based difficulty spikes are annoying, and sadly still a constant in many modern Jrpgs. Final Fantasy however normally has many ways around it, after all its an entry level series.
Mihael-Keehl's comments