......seriously though I am not sure how many people follow the same rule ......but who knows......
RULE:: Do not do the number 2 in anyplace but your own house
...I hate using the bathroom in other peoples houses..... it is disturbing..... .what if they find out??!! :o Ugh to have to deal with hiding the smell......becuase as we all know it smells :| no matter who you are IT SMELLS!! oh oh the nightmare!!.... Problem is.....with all my moral stand points on not using the john at anothers domain there comes a time when you just can't hold it :| ......... :cry: and I couldn't hold it!!..... I tried so hard!! :cry:....... so no came the part of covering it up...... flush as much as possible.... wash hands like crazy to get the smell of the soap in the air.....and use airf freshner QUIETLY! so you won't get caught...... I did all that and to top off my problem..... he went in right after me :cry:.....that sucked....
:lol: I thought it was funny so I thought I would share.......... Seriously though :| :lol: .....
On another note... I got my GI mag today and I have this thing where I LOVE litteraly LOVE to open my own stuff..... and HE OPENED IT!! :cry: Zeth opened my Mag......(btw it came in plastic) I swear I was on the edge of tears!! MY GI!! WHY MY GI?!??!
I think I might be insane :o