You: Id rather taste reality then dream all my life and get hurt
Me: were did you get that from?
You: life
Me: well that sounded really nice as depressing as it was
You: it is depressing
You: cause reality sucks
You: but we live with it
Me: some people don't
You: and they get hurt
You: cause they refuse to see the truth
Me: they dont refuse they just prefer not too
You: and love a lie?
You: live*
Me: yes
You: sad
Me: I agree
You: cause it will only hurt more when all that dream world collapses
Me: especially if it collapases over and over again
You: yeah
Me: and over and over again they built up the lie
Me: Like a sand castle to close to the water
You: true
You: id rather live reality then be a fool
You: and i hate it when ppl realize things too late
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