if your willing to spend your money on a headseat you might as well just go spend it on online porn, much more entertaining
MikeHawke's forum posts
I just bought a ps3, sorta kicking myself in the ass though since this slim things coming out. either way i have the xbox and the playstation, love em both. I just hope that the ps3 i bough lasts longer than my xbox which ive gone through 4 in the last 2 years.Was the main reason i got one
i pretty much bought my ps3 for this so it better come out soon
never had one repaired before but only took a week to get a new one from them, also they forgotto give back my hard drive one time, they sent me my own hard drive backl and a bran new one to go along with it
skate 2, ufc, nhl, i usually rock a demo before buying if possible
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