PC(play this most and hardly touch the consoles)>360(bought it because my kids prefer it)=PS3 (although I am a huge Gran Tourismo fan, still play it on my PS2)>wii
Totally. Being 36, I have been fortunate and young enough to live the entirety of the electronic and communication revolution and experience it from its beginning. The only way I can tell it, truthfully, is from unbiased memory. I will drink to that, Cheers!! On a side Note: MS Fighter Ace threw me into the online gaming community back in 1999. I never looked back after that. It was pure fun with hundreds of people flying planes simultaneously and talking smack!! Chuckle... I have been hooked on PC multiplayer ever since. XBOX live doesn't do it for me.
I was participating in online gaming on PC long before the consoles jumped in the game and I have yet to immerse myself in the XBOX live community. I don't own a PS3, so I can't speak on it, but I don not see the luster and thrill in the XBOX community like I do in the PC. Remember the first editions of MS Fighter ACE. That game got me hooked on online gaming back in 1999 and I never looked back.
I was born in 74, so in my memory this is the way things went.... _Atari brought gaming to everyone with the 2600. The 5200 was a great next step,but.... ..then Caleco Vison overtook it with better graphics and more fun games. Around the same time.... ..Amiga. Amiga was ahead of its time, in graphics and usage, interface, and OS, but bad marketing, pricing, and company structure made it a rare breed and it faded quickly allowing it to be overshadowed by Apple and PC.... ..Nintendo leaped forward in gameplay and graphics and stomped everybody, including Atari, forcing them into near bankruptcy... ..then I got my Sega Genesis, finally , the same quality games I played in the local arcade, ( I miss Harrier, that flying shooter game against dragons) I could now play at home. Yes, Sega killed the arcade.... ...I remember gawking, drooling at NEO GEO. Wholly crap....Graphics were better than anything on the market, including the upcoming playstation!!!. It was so pricey that I could only play it by being friends with the rich nerdy kids at school.... ..Nintendo put out super Nintendo and Nintendo 64, but neither seemed to be great successors. I lost my interest and migrated to PC Gaming, where I could get better graphics, intense campaign games, and customizing.... ....Playstation 1 and 2 destroyed Nintendo. Wii is Nintendo's comeback kid, albeit, barely.... ..I own XBOX 360 and I still prefer PC.... Wheww!!!!
I am on the fence, here. I want to pick up Battlefield 2: Bad Company. I own an XBOX 360 and an awesome gamer PC. Which platform in your opinion would be better/more fun to play the game?
I am on the fence, here. I want to pick up Battlefield 2: Bad Company. I own an XBOX 360 and an awesome gamer PC. Which platform in your opinion would be better/more fun to play the game?
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