Of course not because I don't want to live, but because I suck at video games now!
I remember when the NES was the gaming system to have, I could kick butt at any game right out of the box, with no help whatsoever. During the time of the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis I was a butt kicker too, without a doubt. It was actually during the Sega Dreamcast, N64 and PS1 days, where I could tell I was starting to slip, but I could still hang with the big dogs. I really started feeling myself going downhill during the Nintendo Gamecube and PS2 era; however I remained steadfast that I wasn't losing my touch, you know the denial stage of life. Now, with the Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii I find myself breaking out my glasses just to see, sometimes feeling dizzy just because of the camera movement and taking a lot more time to beat these games then I would back in my heyday!
I'm also getting my butt kicked by people who sound like Eddie Murphy did back in the 80's, but on helium. These kids all use this new internet/video game language which goes right over my head, like why am I a "noob" if I use the grenade launcher in Call of Duty? It's not as if I'm hacking or doing something underhanded to access it, it's available at the main menu! That and isn't the point to kill the opposing team, so what's the difference if I do it with a bullet or a grenade, trust me either way I'm not much of a threat.
I talk to people now who comment about friends they play with, of course I assume a buddy sitting on the couch next to them, but they're referring to someone they never saw in person and have only met online. Why do people say "LOL" instead of actually laughing, or "BRB" instead of saying I'll be right back, is it a way of being cool? I can completely understand doing those things through text messages or IM, but in real life, come on man!
I don't really have an issue with any of these things. Just like all old people I like to complain about the new generation and of course tell longwinded stories, as I'm sure you can tell by this post alone. I'll play video games until the day I die, I'll be gray and wrinkled, using a walker and wearing Depends, all the while still playing video games. The good side of getting old is I'll have my walker if I do get dizzy, my Depends so if I need to use the bathroom I don't have to stop playing and if I do poorly or if the game sucks, I'll forget about it in a couple of minutes as if it never happened.
I have to run out to the store now and pick up some Bengay-mer for my aches and pains! I know lame, but in my defense I am old and losing my mind!