As I was playing Gauntlet for the NES, Thor (the warrior) was getting mauled by all those bastard enemies and feeling almost dead, he then ran into a ham dinner and felt a lot better. Now, I myself was feeling almost dead and pretty worn out from the night before, so realizing the healing powers of the ham dinner I started craving it.
I then realized I was just influenced by a video game and I started to panic! It starts with craving the ham because of Gauntlet, and then I'll want to play football because of Madden or worse yet deliver, newspapers like Paperboy!
Does anyone know if there's some sort of "anonymous" meeting for this kind of thing, you know like what the alcoholics have? Speaking of alcoholics, why is it when they're drinking and acting the fool they make sure everyone is aware of them, however when they feel it's time to get help they do it anonymously? Nothing personal towards any alcoholic who may read this I am just wondering. Besides I have a couple of druncles in my family just like many others do. However we all know it's not always uncles that like to get their drunk on, sometimes its aunts, so to be fair some people have alcoholaunts!
Sorry for getting side tracked, back to my original question, what do I do? I feel as if I'm trying to conceal the fact that I'm a werewolf and the full moon is about to show its face. I'm not talking about the sexy Twilight kind of werewolf either, I mean the older out of shape kind, and where the only way I could jump up in the air was if I had a trampoline!