Graphic comparison does not look the same on a HDTV from a computer monitor. PS3 looks good on a computer but on a high quality TV is still looks like crap. The difference is going to be like all the other remastered version that has come out so far. This is going to look amazing on the PS4.
Oh I wonder how 2K football would've looked and played right about this time. We would've have enjoyed a far superior gameplay and don't forget the added classic teams and stadiums 2K is known for. 10 years is a long wait it's time to give 2K a chance again.
lol this dude criticizes Watch dogs open world and saying it's not believable but yet praises Infamous second son's open world as believable are you kidding me? Infamous second son is the most boring city I ever played in there is absolutely nothing to do but run back and forth to objectives doing repetitive missions. Talk about overrated at least Watch dogs has better side missions and looks prettier. Stop hating and play the game for what it is.
GTA V will look better on the PS4 because Rockstar will add realistic hair and facial emotion plus other details not seen on the PS3. Watchdogs looks superb in its own right though, what a fantastic game.
Graphics look amazing on the PS4 unless you have an antique tube TV or low quality TV. I don't care about anything Xbox so I can't speak for that system or the PC.
MiltaJay's comments