I recently went down to my local game store and bought Assassins Creed Brotherhood. I loved the game and playing through the story was pretty good. My only complaint about the whole Assassins Creed series is I despise the whole viewing memories through a beefed up DNA analyzer thing. I think it could work better in a different game like a sci fi game but not one like this. The storyline of an Assassin fighting the templars back in the 15th century is way more exciting then saving the world from 2012 by finding pieces of eden. Luckily with Brotherhood you aren't forced to leave the animus and talk to dezmonds gang throughout most of the game. Also with the last 2 games i managed to tolerate the endings because they seriously through me a curveball. Unfortunately Brotherhood doesn't deliver, in fact i was disappointed, there was one exciting thing that somewhat caught me off guard at the end but I won't spoil for any readers. The main point is I honestly think that the series might benefit if Assassins Creed was only about Altair and Ezio, not Dezmond and his companions. I'd really like to know if the story seems somewhat dumb to everyone else or if its just me.
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