the GBA slot on the DS lite just annoyed me because the cartridge stuck out. I personally dont care about GBA games on the dsi and if you were that big of a fan of GBA you should have one lying around. You can buy them dirt cheap too. The shorter battery life isnt all that bad either. the battery charges faster than the DS lites and most people wont be without access to a form of charging for more than 12 hours.
i bought the DSi for the bigger and slightly brighter screen and didnt really care for the camera untill I started playing around with it. My girlfriend, room mate, and me spent a good 2 hours playing around with it alone. Then the DSiware already seems promising. Warioware snapped was a ton of fun and we got alot of laughs out of it.
The speakers sound better, you can adjust the brightness without resetting the dsi, the volume is no longer a slider, the buttons feel a ton better and are more responsive, you dont have to reset the DSi anytime you change a setting, hotswapping of games, andthe touch screen is more responsive.
im pretty sure those are all big improvements although im pretty annoyed because the DSi is what the DS should have been from the start.
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