Ok, the game looks pretty, and i'm extremely happy it's coming to pc, but, i still cannot believe in those recommended specs, is this BF3 or something? maybe it's because of the 3D thing, which as far as i know, requires a lot of FPS.
MindwalkerX's forum posts
Im expecting this game so much, but i have only one concern:
Will this game online mode be free? because monster hunter G isn't and since Tri is supposed to be the best one...
I think Kalas from Baten Kaitos should be in the game or at least in a assist trophy since Isaac is...
I would like to see sonic's werehog form and wolf link as well
Best IMO is between Sonic and Fox, but it depends on the stage
Worst i would vote for Peach, Kirby or maybe Mario's(althought it's one of the coolest)
My favorite is Stickerbrush Symphony from swamp stage
But i like Butter Building and Calling to Night too
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