The problem with Skydrive is you only get 7GB free, depending on quality, that could be only 1 movie. Not to mention many people have caps on their internet. So why should they use the net to stream anything when on the 360 and PS3 you can use your home network? Plus you get to use your full library of all media types for free and don't use up any of your data caps if you have them. The other plus is if the net goes down for whatever reason, you can still play your media. Nothing wrong with future proffing something as long as it isn't also taking away the freedom to use your already purchased media and the ability to use it offline.
Did you know that 62.5% of all stats are made up on the spot? Joking aside if you look at the usage stats more people use both Xbox 360 and PS3 as media players to stream content than use it to game on. That content includes both PC streaming and things like Netfilx, so for you to say only 5% used that is a joke. If it ever was at only 5% then it must have been in 2005 or 2006 then, but not in 2013 where streaming is the norm. Even some smart TV's have that feature to stream your PC media.
Using your logic I guess they don't even have to make it play games at all since more people use it for media besides games. Heck NBC had an article about this in Feb of 2013 where Microsoft showed how media usage grew by 57% over gaming usage on the 360 over that last year alone. Google it if you want to read it.
Everything they said in this video is true, so enlighten us to the errors with your massive knowledge. As far as what they will do in 6 months or 1 year from now, how does that help people that think it will play their media today out of the box?
Like all EA games after a few months, the latest patch makes it very playable now. Basically this version is just like Madden 2005 from the PS2 and Xbox days with the owner mode now in connected franchises (or whatever they call it this year). Overall it is the best Madden on this generation from Madden 06 to Madden 13 before it with the most features and playability of the lot. This is what Madden 13 should have been instead of the stripped shell of a game that was, and it is a vast improvement over it. Finally they allow you to share rosters and other files like 2K Sports has done, now there are some really good rosters with HOF players on them for everyone to use. You can use created playbooks again in all modes, they have drills again, I haven't noticed any magnetism when rushing the QB, running is better, a full 32 team offline play again, and they improved the menu's over 13. It may not be a perfect game (it still has a few money plays), but it is the best NFL game of this generation of Madden's by far in my opinion.
@TMK_PsYcho You can appoint a commissioner that can run the group for you if your on vacation or whatever without having to give up your crew. You will always be listed as "leader" however you can let the commissioner lead it and they can do everything you can as leader anyway except delete the crew.
@LonelyHippie27 SPOILERS********what make it worse is that you only really get paid for the first job and the last job. I find it odd that you get choices for some missions yet there is no option to keep the bomb you steal in the Trevor heist you are forced to return it and get nothing for that job at all. I agree with you too, why let me rob a convenience store but not a bank!? I'll look into that chop shop, but again, why do they make that a hard to find thing to do? They tell me about parachute jumps on the map but not things like this, SMH.
After checking the net for a while I guess it is knife flights you have to do, not knife fights like some check lists have said. A few sights really got it wrong saying the fights are located under bridges! What it really is that you need to do is fly under 50 bridges (with any air craft) and do knife flights between 15 buildings in a plane.
Before you deleted your comment, about my comment, you said said all three can scuba dive but I can only get that boat to spawn for Michael so where do the other 2 get the gear at?
This game is very good but I think a 9 out of 10 is generous, I think it is a 8.5. The stock market is broken, it has the disappearing car glitch, and the main story heists do not pay enough to buy the property for sell like the 150 million golf course (overall main story isn't that great to me). One thing I really don't like is there is no vehicle missions other then cabs, you can't be a cop, fireman, ambulance driver, haul truck loads, drive a train for money, etc.
Another issue, they show all this scuba diving in the trailers but as far as I can tell only Michael can do it and only if you know what boat to get off a part of the map you have no reason to really go to. I had to look up where to even find it after wandering around for a few hours looking for it as Franklin and then Trevor and it doesn't spawn for either of them so that time was wasted. I have heard about knife fights when looking at some 100% checklists and a few other side missions like them, but have yet to run across any of those. Why are those things so hard to find? You shouldn't make things to do in the game such a pain to find that you might miss it completely. If not for the video previews I would have not even know you could scuba dive other then on a mission for example.
Like GTA 4 there is a lot of stuff to look at in the world but not much you can interact with. Since these guys are thieves why can't I rob those nice houses in the hills like in GTA San Andreas for example. Why can't you equip the parachute whenever you want to, or take masks on and off with the weapon wheel? The cars don't get as visibly damaged as they did in 4 either plus right themselves if they flip over, that breaks the immersion level of the game for me a bit. Like I mentioned above, why no vehicle missions or even a chop shop to steal some rides for?
I know it sounds like I hate this game but I don't, it is fun but it is not a 10 out of 10. It is a fun game and it is a big improvement over GTA 4. Like GTA 4 it is missing something that made San Andreas and Vice City so good, the freedom to do what ever you want to do, how you want to do it. Lastly why the heck do I need an outside app on a real phone to train Chop or have a custom plate and not be allowed to do that in the game!
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