Minion606 / Member

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Minion606 Blog

Def Jam: ICON

Check dis, Me and my friends have been wating for the 3rd installment of DEF JAM games. After Fight 4 NY i been looking 4ward 4 dis game. Look who is in it LBJ the KING(Lebron James). Guess who else is in it The Game and also rumored Eminem. Finally i can play as Eminem and kick the Sh*t out of Fat Joe. iiight PE@CE

Oh Yeah I did get it

This is the greatest thing on earth. XBOX 360! I love it. I havent been able to post a new blog since i got because i been playin it soo damn much and skool.

Burnout: Revenge
Smack Down Vs. Raw 2007
Tony Hawk Project 8
Madden 2007


I an Finally Getting 360!!

I been since the summer saying I'm getting 360.So I asked for it for CHRISTMAS. So I was sneaking around my home and i found a 360 game(WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007) I was so happy when i found it. I AM FINALLY GETTING 360. 4 DAYS

Why would anyone buy PS3?

That system looks like a piece of junk. A piece of junk for
F*ckin $600. The biggest rip off of the year. Seriously if anyone has anyone good to say about ps3 pleaz share this info with me. If anyone says that ps3 is better then XBOX 360 (greatest system ever) they are crazy.

I will get 360

I am almost there. I just need $100 more to buy the greatest system ever. I just got a job so I will get it soon very soon in bout a week or so. I will get it.