Yes I'm gonna selfishly threadwhore. >:D So this is for competitive and in-game, but for the moment just in-game. I really wanna beat Champion Red on Soul Silver. I need two more Kanto badges. I'd gotten to him before but I wasn't strong enough so I started the game again. xDD Could y'all help me choose good moves and balance my team? I want to teach Clefairy a fire move so that it'll balance. Also, what items are good for each? I have: FERALIGATR Level 58 [NeverMeltIce] -Hydro Cannon -Screech -Surf -Blizzard TOGEKISS level 60 -Ancient Power -Powder Wind -Roost -Charm VICTREEBEL level 59 [Rose Incense] -Leaf Blade -SolarBeam -Leaf Storm -Growth (I'm well aware of the whole it's best to have one offensive move of one type thing. Care to help?) PUPITAR level 40 -Earthquake -Sandstorm -Screech -Payback CLEFAIRY level 37 (fail xD) -Moonlight -Gravity -Cosmic Power -Metronome ESPEON level 58 -Hyper Beam -Psych Up -Flash (I'll delete this... .__.") -Shadow Ball
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