Mirkan / Member

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Shaking my behind to... Uh, let's hold that thought

Although I'm sure most of you already know about it, I can't pass up on recommending the online radio www.gamingfm.com, which plays game music 24/7. Excellent for those times when you don't quite know what to listen to 'cause your mp3 collection is completely worn out and your record collection is non-existant because you're a disgusting pirate!

Or, you know... Not. Regardless, it's a neat little station.

Sam Fisher is still being quite the gentleman and treating me nicely. I'm currently only at level 3, because this game has that same quality that Hitman possesses, which means that you won't be happy with the way a mission played out until you're perfectly happy with, uh, the way the mission played out. Unlike the previous Splinter Cells, this game doesn't force the mission to be over if you screw up a bit, but you're quite capable of restarting the level yourself. It's nice to have the option of just shooting your way through it however, and, although I've already said it once, I should make things perfectly clear; Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is an absolutely mind-boggling achievement. Expect a review soon.

In other news, my PSP should arrive on monday followed by Lumines, hopefully on the same day. Now, I don't want it to appear as if I was easily convinced by this whole Playstation Portable thing, because to me, that's exactly what it is. Instead of playing games on a big screen TV with 5.1 surround, on a system that just happens to sport two analogues and plenty of shoulder buttons, making the whole experience not only bigger, but also easier to control, you opt for this small-- admittedly sexy, but even so--piece of hardware that not only lacks all of the aforementioned bits, but also dies on you within 3 hours. I'm not particularly fond of the PSP per se, but I admit that once Lumines was unveiled, I morphed into a little fangirl. Seriously, there was dancing and singing, sick stuff.

And on the subject of music/sound based puzzlers, Meteos can't possibly get here soon enough. I'm mesmerized by its undeniable appeal, thrilled by its supposedly frantic gameplay and gob-smacked by its... I dunno... Box art?

Anyway, Nintendo say June, let the wait begin.