Mirkan / Member

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"The PlayStation [3] is not a game machine."

Funny you should say that, Ken, since all of the stuff at E3 was either complete CG bullsh*t or ducks flooding a bathtub.

There's been this amazing roller coaster in my mind and heart over the last week that peaked with two big highlights. The Playstation 3 unveiling and this one small Sonic Rush video I've managed to get my grubby hands on. Sony really had me for a while with the PS3, I admit. Two years ago I would've been much more sceptical from the start, but these days due to a combination of near CG graphics and what's generally a bigger place for Sony in my heart, I really wanted the Killzone stuff to be real.

For a while there, the prospect of games looking that good was intoxicating, but more specifically, the prospect of the next Killzone looking like that had me absolutely orgasmic. I liked the first Killzone dispite it repeatedly kicking my balls with shoddy AI, controls, framerate and difficulty. There was a vision in there that I really appreciated, aswell as a realistic feeling fictional war that appealed to me far beyond the CODs and MOHs and whatever. All of that was suddenly taken away by the inevitable revelation that Sony had set us up the bomb.

In my mind, the hamfisted MTV crap Microsoft pulled was just embarrassing, but hey, at least they're trying. Showing off real games on a tangible system deserves more credit than they've been recieving. Sure, they didn't have a bunch of ducks in a tub, but you can't have everything.

Sonic Rush, slipping nicely into the peak of my Sonic phase, blew me away. I dunno if you've managed to see clips of this little gem yet, but they're bound to show up on more official outlets this week. It's everything you've ever imagined to make Sonic work properly again. 2D gameplay with 3D graphics, using both DS screens for vertical, diagonal and horizontal action. Picture the truck chase in Sonic Adventure 2, putting the truck on the above screen and Sonic racing downhill on the screen below. It's seeringly fast, animates wonderfully, and it's got more twists and turns than the final 10 minutes of SAW.

Ultimately, E3 was disappointing, at least this side of the monitor. Sonic Rush ended up being the only game that has me shaking in anticipation, and there should've been so many more of those. King Kong looks good and SHOULD be good, but there's just way too little info at this point.

And in closing, what the hell is up with all the god damned first person shooters completely flooding the market? I basically left PC gaming behind because everything was a bobbing weapon floating through corridors. Don't get me wrong, as I confessed earlier about Killzone, I do appreciate the genre to an extent, but these days everything half-exciting coming out in the future seems to be an FPS.

Actually, I feel like I could go on and on about this, but I'll just leave it alone now.