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Funniest Pager 3v4r!

Pager: NickBush From: Math Murderer | Posted: 5/10/2005 11:25:30 PM | Message Detail I invited one of your alt accounts to this board. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find out which account was invited and to post with it in this topic. Mwahahahaha! --- ||\\ .. //|| ||\\ .. //|| Nothing is right in my left brain. ||. \\// .|| ||. \\// .|| Nothing is left in my right brain.

I'll go Vogon on you and recite poetry about the horrors of....

The happy face... like... thingie... O freddled gruntbuggly, thy micturations are to the happy face... like... thingie... a plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. The happy face... like... thingie will rend thee in the gobberwarts with its blurglecruncheon, see(JayC)? ~ Math Murderer | 5/3/2005 | . The following was entered to save a great piece of art from the evil Purge monster. (we all know this one exists) ^_^

What's next? A "Q" contribution maybe?

I rated 200 games now.. darn Spot can be slow when it wants to... Seems like there are no badges for having an opinion, heh. If anyone knows... . This is a note for myself: Next GFaqs contributions - Kirby (NES) UFO bug - SoA (DC) Antonio bug With time, I seen I know game tricks that are still unknown on the web. I'll have to fix that. Someday.

Guess who!

Well well well... Ever since the merger, I didn't lurk on GSpot's side to see what it looks like. Now I did. *moves her hand in front of her eyes* Ok.. I'm not getting blind by the colorful pages, coast is clear! Just a note for the few lurkers here, I'm on GameFaqs since a few years, travelling from boards to boards, socials to socials.. even getting to some of the enigmatic 800 boards. I originate from SoASB. Skies is a great game. I seen the faction wars, LUE's insanities, board Fights... Many things. A lot happened in 3 years, including that merger... I know the rivalries between Spot and Faqs plenty, as not everyone was happy with it... ah well... Faqs is alive at least. Things could be worse. y'know... you become attached by those little boards, hehe... I met so many great people from everywhere thanks to Faqs, it would be sad if CJ would just leave it die. I don't plan on posting in Spot's boards much, as already access them by GFaqs, but maybe I'll drop by some times. It will depend. At least I'll continue to upgrade my list. I knew I had many games, but I didn't think I'd break the 200-games barrier with my console games alone. Some of my games aren't listed yet. I'll have to try and fix this injustice. So, for now I took games from another system, or (in the case of Pressure Cooker), I took a game with a similar name (Burgertime). Now for the Mac and PC games... *takes a big breath* Heh... it was a long journal entree after all! Well, off I go! See y'all, Folks! MissQ.