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Mister6sational Blog

Hazed and Confused: 2008 Predictions

I really hate saying "I told you so". But I did. This madly inconsistent shooter offsets a number of thrilling moments with terrible artificial intelligence and an awful story. -Gamespot HAZE sucks and the world still searches for this mysterious "Halo-killer" people have been talking about. Guess what. It does NOT exist. Give it up, PS3 fans. Nobody told you to get a system with no games on it. I hope you have a HDTV so you can enjoy that Blu-ray, which has been the ONLY excuse to buy a PS3. If Microsoft came out with the Blu-ray instead of Sony, PS3 would cost about as much as a #2 from Wendy's. Sony needs some exclusive titles that make me want to get one. I used to want one but the ridiculous price (for the stripped down version!) and the lack of titles opened my eyes to the glamorous world of 360. I am so glad I own a 360! PS2 still kicking and going strong while the PS3, as another member put it, is really stinking up the place. But 2008 is the year of the Playstation 3. I honestly hope it is. The 360 vs. PS3 war has been quite one-sided. But I am not such a 360 fanboy that I won't give credit where credit is due. PS3 has the potential to surpass the 360 as far as quality titles this year. Let's examine the list: PS3 EXCLUSIVES RESISTANCE 2 METAL GEAR SOLID 4 FINAL FANTASY XIII SOCOM: CONFRONTATION LITTLE BIG PLANET GOD OF WAR III MOTORSTORM 2 KILLZONE 2 MGS4, Final Fantasy XIII, and God of War III will be carrying ALOT of the burden to get the PS3 fast the 360, which has outsold the PS3 for most of this year. These three games are enough to make the battle even or even tip it in the favor of Sony. The rest of the titles are nice but aren't the homeruns that these three titles are. 2008 could be the year of the PS3. But the 360 isn't just going to let that happen... 360 EXCLUSIVES NINJA GAIDEN 2 TOO HUMAN FABLE 2 BANJO-KAZOOIE 3 GEARS OF WAR 2 SPLINTER CELL: CONVICTION LEFT 4 DEAD ALAN WAKE Gears of War 2...another 360 franchise that the PS3 has had no answer for. Too Human is a wild card. It could be another Mass Effect or better.....or it could pull a HAZE and get pumped up for a massive fail. You never know. Splinter Cell is also a wild card as it's straying from it roots, going to a more Bourne type of gameplay. Ninja Gaiden 2....along with Gears of War 2...HOME RUNS!!!! For those rich folks who own both a 360 and a should have quite a year. For those who don't have either'll have a decision to make. But honestly none of the PS3 exclusive justify me getting one because the three titles I mentioned aren't titles that would have me buy a console. But that's just my personal preference. I know what great games they are. I will be sticking with XBoX and XBL. But I think that the PS3 actually has a better exclusive titles list for 2008 than the 360 does.

Grand Theft Auto IV: Multiplayer, My New Addiction

I have never been a real big fan or player of the shooter genre of games. I mostly stick with Sports and Racing games. But ever since I bought my first next-gen console, my XBOX360, last December, I have tried new things. But still I didn't buy HALO 3 or BIOSHOCK or any of the other highly publicized games. I stuck with my usual type games.... ...until Mass Effect. Mass Effect was an outstanding experience. It was its innovation that hooked me. I am a sucker for a deep storyline and customization. That was the first shooter type game I ever purchased and I am glad I did. Since then, I have tried my hand at others (without purchasing them). Eventhough I don't describe myself as a shooter and have been beaten many a time at HALO over friends' houses, I have fun playing them. When GTA4 came out, I hadn't planned on getting it. I had planned to get Iron Man instead. (*hold your laughter* lol I didn't know) I never had played Grand Theft Auto before and always found it to be a little too violent and out there for my taste. But one trip over my friend's house where he showed me all the capabilities of the game had me at least wanting to get the game and see for myself. WOW! I really liked it. The story was deep and open-world was awesome. The extend of control and experience throughout the game has really impressed me. I can tell they put alot into this game. And I finally got what all the hoopla was about... ...part of it anyway. Going through the single player mode, I was impressed and liked it...but wasn't "addicted" to it....UNTIL...I looked in the ingenious phone and saw "Multiplayer". I said "I haven't tried this yet. Let's see what this hype is about." Now, my friends, addicted is what I am. It's been awhile since a game had me up at all times of night. From Deathmatch to Cops N Crooks to Turf War, the GTA4 Multiplayer has me so hooked that I have to remind myself that I have a single-player mode to work on. I already was in love with XBOX LIVE but now I am even more so. The people who I have heard during matches range from cool people to outright dumb to TOO YOUNG TO BE PLAYING THE GAME! But the other folks "color commentary" is usually just comic relief that adds to the experience. Now, eventhough I still usually finish 2-4 places above last (but a few times I have been in the top 4 or 5 in a match of 10-14), it's just one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I have ever had. I don't mind losing from time to long as I am having fun. Kudos to Rockstar Games! You will see Shypsi6 (Shy + the greek letter Psi) on GTA4 Multiplayer often. FIN