I need help deciding. LIVE has some really awesome features and I really liked 08. But I also loved NBA 2K8....and the movements and models are awesome. Which to pick?
I am a 360 owner and I don't dislike the PS3. But currently, for my tastes and IMO, it is the inferior gaming system. However, eventually (probably 2009), I will get one. But I just don't have a need for one. I think sometimes people's love of one system causes an unnecessary adverse opinion of the other. PS3 has come a long way. Although I do laugh at that commerical where they have MGS4, Little Big Planet, and Turismo 5 prologue with the dramatic music. 1 hit, 1 game that hasn't even been released, and one that got lukewarm response.....ONLY ON THE PLAYSTATION 3. Once PS3 gets some exclusives(plural) that I "have to have" then I will take it more seriously.
Why compare GTA IV with MSG4? They are two COMPLETELY different games for two different audiences. But I must admit...I haven't finished the story in GTA. I got like 20 or so missions to go but its more and more looking like its going back to Gamestop towards a game I'm not tired of. If it weren't for the multiplayer (which I haven't even been playing much since GRID entered my life), it would have been traded-in a long time ago.
My problem with the demo is aiming and enemy radar (mainly in the multiplayer). The aiming issue might just be that I suck lol. In MP it seems I was dying and no enemy was around. Other times enemies would just pop up in the team's area.
I bought it beat it and played it some more to get some more achievements. But once I tried GRID out and the reviews came up 8s and 9s...I traded it and NBA Ballers in for GRID. Bourne was outstanding. It just doesn't have the staying power. It is a very excellent rent and a good/ok buy.
I hated many of the missions due the fact that most include driving clear across the city then driving more then gunfight. And if you failed...you have to start from the VERY beginning. I haven't done single player mode in a hot minute. The mission where I have to get out of the truck and get through a warehouse of goons with Phil Bell really irked me. If it weren't for multiplayer...
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