Considering SC2HD is out soon, they probably don't want to cannibalize the "Hardcore" player base. So there will be one for the core, and one for the casual.
@nate1222 Except major american companies are doing the same things. You can't compare US to Japan by simply ignoring the US AAA and focusing on the indies, especially since so many indie teams are international.
@Thanatos2k Not to mention games are primarily animated for dynamic gameplay, unlike movies that only have one way the characters act. It's practically impossible and pointless to MoCap every aspect of gameplay, especially in a series like CV with over the top action and monster design.
@immortaltech6 It was still fairly shallow by character action standards like DMC and Bayonetta, and even the story was a shameless rip on the origin of the betrayed berserk that Kratos became as well. Not to mention the silly amount of Shamalyan-esq plot twists they stuck in the finale.
Being "Stuck in the past" doesn't make the game any less derivative, it filled itself with overdone modern tropes and design instead of old ones. A breath of fresh air only works when the air is actually fresh and not just fresh off the band wagon.
And that's not even getting started on the debacle that was Mirror of Fate, a game that somehow managed to meld all 3 types of CV... Terribly.
Too Bad actual game design is devolving at the same rate.
Cox's Castlevania was pretty, but the gameplay was super derivative and riddled with QTE's. Seems like many devs like him act more like failed movie creators as apposed to ambitious game designers.
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