@LtJef Why would you rage over "micro-transactions" that don't block any game content or change the game in any way? You still earn the same amount of money, the same way as all other GT games, you still win free cars, no cars are locked due to the transactions, and you wouldn't even know that they were there unless you went into the store looking for them. So you don't have to pay to "access content" the transaction are just for people that for some reason would rather spend real money to buy cars than actually earn them and play the game. I already have 50+ cars in this game and only know about being able to pay for in game money from the internet, the game never even tells you that its really an option.
This game is way better than GT5, it still has it's issues, like the ai being pretty lifeless and non aggressive and mostly boring just following each other around. but the transactions aren't a problem because they are completely optional and never even mentioned in game.
Mitch2129's comments