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Summer is Here

So finally, school is done and it's time to be lazy gamer again.  However, recent job prevents such.  It really sucks.  My friend moved in with me because he got kicked out of where he was living.  It was sad.  I like his company but it's a pain to pick him up from work all the time.  Anyways,  playing Kingdom Hearts II like mad.  I really just want to see the ending but there's all these worlds I have to go through first.  Arg.  I'm about halfway through.  I'm also playing Chain of Memories while I'm at my babysitting job.  I never was a big gameboy person but when there's literally nothing else to do while you watch psychotic kids, gameboy becomes your best bud.  I got a bad burn on my God of War game so I had to put it aside until I get mun to trade it in and get a new one.  On another note, there's so many things I'm looking forward to this summer but it seems like they're just out of my reach.  Arg.