I like games with a good plot. Same with films. But it seems like a lot of films coming out now, are very uncreative as opposed to a lot of those games.
The thing about a good game is a lot of them are starting to be more interesting than a lot of the movies coming out now, which are largly just remakes, adaptions of books or something, sequels, comedy (which is starting to get old), and cartoons, which aren't even 2D anymore :I which bothers me.
Or I should say that the new animated movies coming out now have no charm and are mostly composed of really stupid humor that was rather uncommon in older animated movies. It's like promoting stupidy for the next generation haha.
Although there have been a few good films here and there.
Predators, for one. I haven't seen the 1st two films but Predators was a really good movie. Both me and my sister loved it. Pixar movies are always good. Repo! The Genetic Opera, which came out in 2008, was really good as well. 9 and Alice in Wonderland were pretty good too. Avatar, was ok, not really original, but still good.
Then there are the exeptionally bad movies (I'm looking at you S. Darko.), which I don't want to get off topic into talking about them too much.
But looking at a lot of recent films a lot of them couldn't really compare to something like; Alan Wake, Max Payne, Deus Ex, Heavy Rain, older Silent Hill games, Bioshock, and Half Life 2, both originality and storywise.
It's almost like people are giving up on movies, which is really sad actually, since I love movies.
I guess we live in the age of remakes and sequels. What does everyone else think of recent films? Are you starting to like story oriented games more so than a lot of new films? Do you think that they're pretty much something uncomparable, and a completely different form of entertainment like books vs movies?
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