Alright, so today I got a month of XBL Gold and next month I'll be getting the year subscription for Christmas. I also changed my gamertag from "Mark the VI" to Mjolnir51, so I should be more recognizable. I'm currently playing Halo 3 with one of my friends, but I can also do Gears, RB6 Vegas, or CoD3. I hope to get CoD4: Modern Warfare sometime soon and will then be open to playing that. See you guys on Live! Send me an invite or something :D
EDIT: I got Modern Warfare on Wednesday, so I'm playing that, too. I'm going to try to beat the single-player campaign first, then check for matches online afterward. Plus, my school is out for Thanksgiving on Wed. 21- Fri. 23, so I'll be free then. And I may have friends over on the 21, so look for me/us then. See you guys on Matchmaking!