I know alot of people would say that the PS2, the PSX, the SNES or NES was their favorite system. Although I have been playing games since when I was 3 (1993) or so I did play the NES and SNES up until around 1996 or 1997 or so when for one christmas I received an N64 from under the tree. Before this I just saw games as something I didn't take seriously. Kind of like playing with a football but not even thinking about the sport itself. With the N64 I started renting more and more games on a constant weekly basis, although I did rent games back in the NES and SNES days I never rented so much then as I did with the 64. I quickly fell in love with games like Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Starfox 64, and Banjo Kazooie as some favorites. Later on in the N64 lifespan I became a big fan of the Harvest Moon series with HM64 (I had found the SNES version before that and gave it a rent, found it very addictive) as well as games like Paper Mario and Donkey Kong 64 (I had been a fan of DK since I first got my SNES packaged with DKC and Ken Griffey Baseball). Now I know all these games may be described as "kids games" but keep in mind I was very young, besides you cant help but love these games and their characters no matter how old you are. Anyways, if I had to pick a favorite N64 game, I could not. But Goldeneye would be in the top 3 for sure. I played this game to absolute death, being a huge James Bond fan and I had never played an FPS before so this is what got me really into this genre. After that I went back to the old days and played games like Doom. The N64 also got me interested in the industry. I started to really care about what was going on and who was making what, reading magazines (Nintendo Power ftw) and visting gaming websites on a constant basis. I did eventually get a PSX and such, and when the "next gen" systems came along I eventually ended up getting all three (GC, PS2,XBOX) and even though they didnt really match up with the same special feel that playing the N64 gave me, I still loved them, and I am definately looking forward to the Wii.
Twilight Princess FOR THE WIN!
MoblinMike Blog
Quit WoW
by MoblinMike on Comments
My account has finally closed for WoW earlier this week. The most depth-less and stale mmo I have ever played yet it is still the most popular. My entire WoW experience was a bit odd. From the start I really liked the game because it was something new to me. I had never been much of a fan of Warcraft lore or the rts series but I still found WoW enjoyable anyway due to going from new place to new place. However after the first 3 months or so was when it started to get old. A couple of my rl friends wanted to leave the server to a different one and play alliance there (we were horde at the time). So I decided I could always come back and went along with them. I started a human rogue there (Arthas) and liked it for a while. Then all of a sudden a few weeks later I just had no desire to play. I couldn't even log in for 5 minutes without becoming bored. So for 3 or so weeks I barely played the game over 10 minutes whenever I logged in. After those 3 weeks I suddenly felt like playing the game again. So I went back and played it more for a couple weeks then I got bored again. This kind of pattern continued for the next 9 months, getting bored on and off and having no desire to play. Finally after I got to 60 I become just flat out tired of it. Getting to 60 was cool at the start as I was able to go to the high level dungeons and such, but these quickly got old for me, I had no desire to raid, and forget about getting me in a queue for battlegrounds because I got bored even faster waiting. Didn't matter if I could go do something else because there was nothing else I'd rather done. I never bothered to even finish getting the rest of my dungeon set. I never became addicted to wow, I liked the game, I never took it very seriously either, as I am more of a casual, slow mmo gamer who likes to take my time rather than powergrind, I just think that ruins the gameplay and makes me bored twice as fast. It just quickly became very boring and stale after the first few months. I don't even know why I continued to play it afterwards. My friends still played it and SWG was dead, and something about it just kind of calls you back. Maybe one day I will feel like playing it and renew my account and finish gearing up my rogue. Who knows, I just hope they add more solo-able content and more end-game things to do because as it stands now, WoW has no depth at all. Grind grind grind, go here do this , go there and do that AGAIN. If you read all this, thanks for listening to my story but seriously, use your time more constructively. ;)
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