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Quit WoW

 My account has finally closed for WoW earlier this week. The most depth-less and stale mmo I have ever played yet it is still the most popular. My entire WoW experience was a bit odd. From the start I really liked the game because it was something new to me. I had never been much of a fan of Warcraft lore or the rts series but I still found WoW enjoyable anyway due to going from new place to new place. However after the first 3 months or so was when it started to get old. A couple of my rl friends wanted to leave the server to a different one and play alliance there (we were horde at the time). So I decided I could always come back and went along with them. I started a human rogue there (Arthas) and liked it for a while. Then all of a sudden a few weeks later I just had no desire to play. I couldn't even log in for 5 minutes without becoming bored. So for 3 or so weeks I barely played the game over 10 minutes whenever I logged in. After those 3 weeks I suddenly felt like playing the game again. So I went back and played it more for a couple weeks then I got bored again. This kind of pattern continued for the next 9 months, getting bored on and off and having no desire to play. Finally after I got to 60 I become just flat out tired of it. Getting to 60 was cool at the start as I was able to go to the high level dungeons and such, but these quickly got old for me, I had no desire to raid, and forget about getting me in a queue for battlegrounds because I got bored even faster waiting. Didn't matter if I could go do something else because there was nothing else I'd rather done. I never bothered to even finish getting the rest of my dungeon set. I never became addicted to wow, I liked the game, I never took it very seriously either, as I am more of a casual, slow mmo gamer who likes to take my time rather than powergrind, I just think that ruins the gameplay and makes me bored twice as fast. It just quickly became very boring and stale after the first few months. I don't even know why I continued to play it afterwards. My friends still played it and SWG was dead, and something about it just kind of calls you back.  Maybe one day  I will feel like playing it and  renew my account and finish  gearing up my rogue. Who knows,  I just hope they add more solo-able content  and more end-game things to do because as it stands now, WoW has no depth at all. Grind grind grind, go here do this , go there and do that AGAIN. If you read all this, thanks for listening to my story but seriously, use your time more constructively. ;)