I know alot of people would say that the PS2, the PSX, the SNES or NES was their favorite system. Although I have been playing games since when I was 3 (1993) or so I did play the NES and SNES up until around 1996 or 1997 or so when for one christmas I received an N64 from under the tree. Before this I just saw games as something I didn't take seriously. Kind of like playing with a football but not even thinking about the sport itself. With the N64 I started renting more and more games on a constant weekly basis, although I did rent games back in the NES and SNES days I never rented so much then as I did with the 64. I quickly fell in love with games like Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Starfox 64, and Banjo Kazooie as some favorites. Later on in the N64 lifespan I became a big fan of the Harvest Moon series with HM64 (I had found the SNES version before that and gave it a rent, found it very addictive) as well as games like Paper Mario and Donkey Kong 64 (I had been a fan of DK since I first got my SNES packaged with DKC and Ken Griffey Baseball). Now I know all these games may be described as "kids games" but keep in mind I was very young, besides you cant help but love these games and their characters no matter how old you are. Anyways, if I had to pick a favorite N64 game, I could not. But Goldeneye would be in the top 3 for sure. I played this game to absolute death, being a huge James Bond fan and I had never played an FPS before so this is what got me really into this genre. After that I went back to the old days and played games like Doom. The N64 also got me interested in the industry. I started to really care about what was going on and who was making what, reading magazines (Nintendo Power ftw) and visting gaming websites on a constant basis. I did eventually get a PSX and such, and when the "next gen" systems came along I eventually ended up getting all three (GC, PS2,XBOX) and even though they didnt really match up with the same special feel that playing the N64 gave me, I still loved them, and I am definately looking forward to the Wii.
Twilight Princess FOR THE WIN!
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