Mocha360 / Member

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Why is the WWE doing this to us

Why is the WWE doing this to us. I'm talking about one man, and his name is, JOHN CENA. I'm talking about last night in Detroit at Wrestlemania. Cena was getting his ass kicked by hbk, and then neering the end he does his 4 moves of doom, same old sh*t. Shoulder block, Shoulder block, stupid killswitch, and a 5 nuckle shuffle, and then goes for his F-U, he couldn't even do that, then at the end hbk tapped out the stf-u and all that is, is the stf with a u added on the end, is that suspossed to be cool or something. By the way the stf-u is an illigel choke hold, but none the less. Cena is the worst idea of a wrestler, ever. It makes me sick that he's walked out of the past three wrestlemania's as WWE Champion, if there's anybody that derserves to be WWE Champion it's HBK