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i should be celebrating something these days but i don't really want to do anything special anymore, March ; this month there are like 5-6 birthdays on which i should buy gifts and shiizz, where the hell should i find the money to score that.

well thats not the point anyways, as college started and now i am in the 10 semister and i dont want to stay any longer at that craphole, college is the best place you will be through out your life but if you gonna fail and **** the way i do, i won't recommend it too much as you eventually be left alone with new freshmens.

so now vista is out, PS3, X360, and the Wii i decided that i am going to be a proffesional Graphics Designer, hell yeah i am selling my rig and buying a new Apple G6 or whatever number they have for a good PC or Mac.

i gotta go now
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