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excessive dosages of CoH and CSS

omg hellgate london looks amazing .. i cant wait anymore, i know its gonna suck anyways but the cinematics are awesome, anyways company of heros which i finally got is hella cool, well i am not that fan of strategy games but hell this game is great.

whats great about it is that i really suck at playing it, even my sister plays it better than me, yes shes a better gamer than me when it comes to strategy, RPG ... simulation but who cares about these games anyways.

i also been playing Counterstrike Source ... well excessivly actually i spend more than 3 hours a day playing it, it totally ruin my social life but who cares as long as you keep PWNing n00bs.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah OMG .. which is microsoft keeping on torturing us ... why won't they release HALO already. 2 for PC and 3 for Xbox...
why won't they release both of them on PC tomorrow ... i am willing to pay whatever it takes to play them .. guess i ll have to wait