feels kind of weird to be back here, on gamespot, the place where it all started like 4 years ago, when i first came to this place it was still ran by a bunch of nerds that knew all about games and wanted to share their knowledge with the world, shortly after that it ran by a bunch of douches looking forward to satisfy their corporate boss. Well good luck with that!
just to state the truth, I didn't go to jail, and nothing bad ever happened to me, after that day April 7th I started to look at life from a different angle, places like this -GS- didn't seem to exist anymore, I mean the anger and the hatred that spread through our society has reached critical levels and something needed to be done. unfortunately we never had the means to change anything we just knew we could shock the system with our unity and that's exactly what happened. We successful proven our point; what did we gain from that? -Absolutely nothing.
anyways back to games and gamespot, I see this place has gotten quite different since my last visit, new games coming out as I am typing here, ordered a copy of GTA4 for the PC today and can't wait for it to arrive, Left 4 Dead is next on the To-Play list, the new Need for Speed Undercover doesn't look to promising I only had a chance to check it out for 10 minutes or so. been playing a lot of Crysis and Farcry 2.