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well i am writing here today to see if i can still type some random thought and get aways with it .... yeah its been a long time and this is the only Blog that i still actually check.

so anyways to get started.

2 months ago i faced a problem at my college where i had to take 2 courses in the summer to gradute, well i have had them tests and everything went according to plan..

which means i didnt study anything but just shown up at the examination room stoned made a joke about something and left. anyways they said the scores should be out at mid october, well they lied because until now no one will hire me.

everywhere i apply they tell me i have to be a college graduate which i am in some way. so i am just still hoping for my degree afterwords i am being inlisted at the army kill me some terrorists.

finally putting my l337 skills into play :P
