MohammadSh's forum posts
Hello everyone,
It's summer time and that means lots of free time and surfing the net. While doing so, sth caught my attention ! So I did my homework and decided to do the following :
Buying COD Black Ops and further Multiplayer titles ( which I used to play on cracked servers XD ) with the money I make from the net :)
It does sound strange somehow, right ? Naaah check what it takes to do it
1- Free eBank account, which is available nowadays and this is the one I chose
Well-spread, can verify my account using my mobile number and reliable
So here where I keep the money I make till I purchase the S.N of my games :)
2- A Pay-2-click site ! ( there are other options like getpaid to review and survey, but come ooon ! that takes a lot of time,,, click some ads on the go and that's it :D )
This one has the best reputation among it's neighbours, has been running since 2008 and has the most advanced system of rules and superb script of them all,,, plus it pays instantly without delays ;)
How does this work ? Well, this site pays you 1cent for each ad you click and visit for 30secs
but that's not all, you can buy refferals and get 50% commission on their clicks too :D ,,, Moreover, after being a member for 30days you can invite ur own friends and get the same commission too !
So my progress was like that : Signed Up a month a go, reached 0.75$ and bought 3 refs, reached another 0.75$ and bought another refs :)
Now I am able to invite my friends and till Black Ops will be released I hope I will be able to get my own serial number and KICK SOME ASS over there !
So what do you think ? ,,, sorry If I sounded like Iam advertising sth XD all I wanted was just to inspire some of you and grab their attention to what they have been missing XD
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