@Rufus_the_rat Why else would they 'vomit out revisions'? Because they could? They're a business, they kinda have to keep producing products to generate income.
@TraceSkipper @Payasoplas @ACLDox @Nibraybirk Many of these professional players are studying at university behind this. Polt is a great example, Thorzain as well. Hell. Thorzain is a bloody medical student. I'd say these guys have a future for when they retire from the esports scene.
@WantYouBad @ParrotStorm @erMonezza They're not really athletes, to be honest. It's closer to chess in that regard. They are players, they play a strategic game where your psyche and ability to think matters just as much as your ability to act quickly. The speed isn't emphasised in chess to anywhere near the same extent as StarCraft, but that's the closest comparison. Are chess grandmasters worthless? Is what they do devalued because they don't run about on a pitch all day kicking a sphere?
@djpetitte I think you need to take into the consideration that I clicked reply to the wrong person instead of being so rude, especially given that, upon closer inspection, I was ratifying your point vs undermining it.
@Thanatos2k They aren't the worst, not by far. But they have degraded themselves a great deal over the past few years. Battlefield 3 was tolerable, Mass Effect 3 frustrated me, Warfighter outraged me, and I just gave up with Dead Space 3. Noticing a trend there? Maybe that's why Valve is afraid to produce a third installment in a series? Bad luck 3.
Maybe if they allowed developers to produce games that are true to their roots (ie survival/horror Dead Space), EA would have better sales. And I personally have no issues with Origin, it'd just be nice if everyone could get together and release all of their games on Steam/uPlay/Origin/whatever, so the consumers could at least pick and choose what they bought their games on. And if you have to insist on doing micro-transactions, either a) save it for a F2P game, or b) mimic what Gearbox did with Borderlands 2. No problems there.
@djpetitte Clearly you aren't military, because motorcycles are used quite liberally. So while firing a rocket from the back of one isn't 'realistic', neither is congregating around poles raising and lowering flags, or however many tanks contesting a flag, or a bunch of people endlessly killing each other and respawning for points. Pick you battles man (no pun intended), and try not to take everything to heart. You want realistic, go and play ArmA
@burrito_tester @FreedomPrime It would have been! If we didn't have it in World at War, Black Ops 1, the equivalents in Halo, Gears of War, etc, etc. It's not exactly a new thing, just another game mode rehashed by CoD. Not hating on CoD, they have the gunplay down to a tee, but it's not gamechanging.
Monaro213's comments