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My Top 30 *OF ALL TIME* !!

**MY TOP 30!**
This list is a count down- starting from my least- favorite [favorite] and ending with my absolute favorite. enjoy :)

30. Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (PC)
-- Arthras was never meant to be a baddie :(

29. Star Craft: Brood War (PC)
-- I hate Zerg

28. Warcraft 3 (PC)
-- An OK RTS but...

27. Soul Calibur 2 (GC)
-- Practically the only Arcade- ****fighting game I enjoy

26. Lord of The Rings: The Third Age of Middle Earth (XBOX)
-- Good in-game turn based combat, yet the movie spoofness killed everything.

25. Resident Evil 2 (PS)
-- Good horror, frustrating controls

24. Golden Sun (GBA)
-- good puzzles; lacks story

23. Golden Sun 2 (GBA)
-- harder puzzles yet still lacks story (an awesome one that is)

22. Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
-- Striking visuals, "innovative" gameplay, yet story lacks depth.

21. Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
-- I really do like the gameplay; but I'm sick of playing Barbie Dress- Up. Plus it killed probably my favorite game ending (in FFX)

20. Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
-- Excellent story, although I'm not feeling the Junction system.

19. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
-- One of my first videogames to ever play on a console. This racer was The Bomb!

18. Jade Empire (XBOX)
-- a good hearty BioWare game.

17. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic II (XBOX)
-- Obsidian screwed everything up :cry:

16. James Bond 007: Golden Eye (N64)
-- My first ever FPS The Bomb!

15. Starcraft (PC)
-- My favorite RTS

14. Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
-- Fun gameplay; yet I feel [something] is missing.

13. Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
-- Goodness I love this game.

12. Drakengard (PS2)
-- I really like all the alternate endings; and the game really compliments its sequal.

11. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (PS2)
-- Fun combat; awesome ending. I just wish Farah was more involved :(

10. Star Fox 64 (N64)
-- One of my favorites "back in the day".

9. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
-- This game is so fun....I still play it every six months or so.

8. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (XBOX)
-- Awesome gameplay, awesome puzzles, awesome story.

7. Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
-- Such an awesome game....It is also my first game to own and beat on the PS2.
"You're wrong. I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom Hearts... is LIGHT!" - Sora

6. Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
-- Just read the review for my opinion...

5. Chrono Cross (PS)
-- The characters are great, the story is amazing, and the gameplay is ingenious.

4. Final Fantasy VII (PS)
-- Everything about this game i love: story, characters, gameplay....*sigh*

3. FF X (PS2)
-- My first FF to beat, and also my favorite. I may not dub this the best FF, but damn it is so awesome. It's the story that makes this game so incredibly sound in my book.

2. Drakengard 2 (PS2)
-- Oh man, this game can be so hard to take in at times. The story is so awesome and makes up for the tacky hack-n-slash gameplay.

1. **Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic** (XBOX)
-- BioWare at its best. The dialogue options, plots & twists, and addictive gameplay is what got SW:KOTOR to #1. If you dont have it, get it. If you don't have an Xbox, I'll lend you mine until you'll buy yourself one. If you can't buy an Xbox, I'll just give you mine. At any rate you GOTTA PLAY SW:KOTOR! IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Note: This list is my "All- Time", meaning from my roots in video games 'till now. THIS IS NOT MY CURRENT FAVORITE LIST. Meaning now I wouldnt care to play Star Fox 64 or Super Mario Kart, but I did then . Meaning I liked* super mario kart more then than I like other games now. I hope I'm making sense.

I hope you enjoyed it! :D