All of those who have beaten MGS2 have had the chance to listen (and watch) the end credits. In doing so I'm sure you all noticed the jazz music playing in the background, which is so not MGS! But to be honest I loved every second of it. So I did some research, and the woman who sings the end credit song is Carla White- "the queen of scat". Listening to her at the end of MGS2 gave me a slight addiction to her voice, or more like a growing love (just from one song). I wanted to listen to more of her, and after searching and searching all over the internet, I could not find anything except two other songs by her.Heck, not even the itunes or Amazon online stores have any of her music.Carla White, The Queen of Scat, is most famous for a song in a video game. The more I think about it, the sicker I get. In 2007, she died of cancer- and she is most known for a song she didn't own. Known, not remembered- since no one is aware of her death, I bet. It's a morbid story to me, and a frightful one. She might have been "successful" in life, defined by her own and the world's standard. But was she remembered as a jazz enthusiast, instructor, and monarch? No, she is known for Metal Gear Solid 2.
And I don't know what this leads to, but I hope you guys got a good lick out of this.