@DTvdHeever : Yeh man, I juts got my new Nokia C7 and its brilliant. It runs on the latest symbian 3 OS and in and plays the Angry Birds game beatifully, there are great apps and games on the OVI Store and should really be taken seriouslyyyyyy and not left out......
@Bennop. I recommend you read this article. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3167464 .The cell cpu was used to its limits in other words 100% of the PS3's power. Microsoft are not really threaten by sony. Hence they dont put preasure on developers to absolutely spend ages developing a game maxing out the 360. In contrast sony really puts preasure on developers first party that is to really push the machine, they also allow them to have huge amounts of time for the development of first party games which is understandable becaue if they didnt the ps3 would be in a far worse situation than it is now. Anyways i think this 360 v ps3 might be resolved when the next MGS game comes out on both consoles. then a propers comparison could be carried-out I think.
.....................>>>>>>>> Any pc application will use less than 10% of a cpu but what will happen when you overloaded it and use 100% of the cpu? the pc will simply freeze up and stop responding.This is the same for the consoles,therefore 100% of any consoles' cpu will never be used.Those that still think that the ps3 is this incredibe monster that has this huge proccessing power still to be tapped into are simply delusional.Bottom line the Ps3 has already benn maxed out.This PS3 v 360 topic is really getting old now, accept the facts 360 isbetter than PS3, get both consoles like me, move on and enjoy gaming!!!
..................>>>> .Another example is the up coming GoW3, now how long has that game being in development for?well 5 years at least if u think about it.These games have already maxed out the PS3, hence why Kojima has stated that the PS3 simply did not offer the performace or power that he wanted besides having used 100% of the PS3.Which is why he/other of his developers are going to make a MGS game for the 360.Lastly no game will ever use 100% of any consoles CPU.At most they will utilize perhaps 30-40% if that. Using 100% will mean that the cpu will completely will not be able to process anything else besides what it is already processing.....................>>>>>>>>
@Bennop The 360 has better colour and constrast compared to the ps3.The colours look more vibrant and sharper as opposed to the ps3. Secondly because the 360 has more memory and better graphics card its able to use more filters to enhance a scene such as fog.If such filters are absent from the ps3 versions of such games than it can only mean that due to the memory and graphic limitations of the PS3 such filters cannot be used.Thirdly as some in here have mentioned, if dev used the 360 to its absolute limits and will take their time developing for it, it will kill the PS3 for the simple fact that it has more memory and a superior graphics card.The reason PS3 exclusives look good is because the developers have had way more time to develop for it as opposed to the time other developers have had to develop for the 360.Games like MGS4,U2,Resistance2,Killzone2 i own them and they are wonderful but these games have been in developement for a very long time 4+ years if you consider the fact that such developers have gotten hold of the pS3 dev kits for a least a year before its lauch......................>>>>>>
@howardorr well said. i too have a ps3 but I honestly prefer the 360. The 360 does everything I need for a gamimg console. For everything else I have my trusty souped-up laptop. I have already made the mistake of buying GTA IV for the PS3 only to be dissapointed by the graphics and performance so much so that I had to rush out and buy the 360 version which was much better. So yeh people should just accept the fact that for the majority of the games out there on the 360 is just simply the better version.
OK, this is pretty pointless now,the 360 is just plain and simply better than the ps3 when it comes to graphics and performance. The vast majority of games out there are simply better on the 360 this is is just fact and cannot be denied. So all the people who think ps3 has better graphics for games such as the ones mentioned in this comparison are simply delussional. I have both systems and can comfirm that the majority if not all games out there are simply better on the 360 and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong.
Yep as an owner of both consoles I can confirm that the Xbox 360 version of these games are the ones to go for as they generally look and perform much better than the PS3 version. Eurogamer (Digital Foundry) provides a more indepth analysis of the 360s advantages over the PS3.
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