I was wondering whether 720p NTSC is better or superior to 720p PAL. The reason I am wondering is because my PAL xbox games run shockingly faster and smother when I set my xbox to NTSC instead of PAL or PAL-60. So will this be the same for high definition gaming. I have a PAL 360 Elite and Im wondering whether it will be worth swapping it for an NTSC 360 Elite to play some top NTSC games I have or not.
Monster597's forum posts
This is a no brainer. Of course your friend should get the gamecube there are incredible games for that little box such the legend of zelda twilight princess, zelda collectors edition, resident evil 4, beutiful joe, super mario sunshine, etc. I advice you get all three consoles (gamecube, ps2, xbox). You can get them all second hand for less than $100 on amazon.com or other shops if you are willing to shop around.
Lately when playing any game on the 360 via hdmi i have noticed that the picture quality has been degraded. Specifically when playing GTA IV I notice that the picture is not as sharp and there is also a really bad ghosting effect where if u look at the sky at night and there are light post nearby when you move the camera the light post smudges the screen a really bad ghosting effect. This effect is found everywhere in the game when played via HDMI thus degrading the picture quality .I have tried every setting on the Xbox 360 but it hasnt helped. This is completely gone when playing via component where the picture is sharper, has more colour, and has no ghosting effect at all. Has anyone else encountered the same problem with hdmi?
Tekken 3, Gran turismo 2, Medal of Honour Underground, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2.
Tekken 3 is no.1 for me
After playing twilight princess on the wii, I just had to go back to the gamecube version as my favourite. Nowadays I find the wii controlls really annoying specially for playing zelda twilight princess, my arms get tired of holding the wiimote after 10 mins, it is not as accuarte as a regular gamecube controller as the pointer constanly keeps going off the screen and you end up having to continously keep your wii mote pointing straight which then leaves your arms nd wrist aching afterwards.What areyour opinions.
I still like playing 007 Goldeneye for simplicity and arcade like gameplay, for some reason I now find the frame rate quite poor which is something I had never noticed before. Mario 64 has stood the test of time very well and it gets my vote.
San Andreas by far. It has the best missions, the best gameplay, the most fun stuff to do outside of the main story, it's the biggest, the most varied, has the best story and the best soundtrack. GTA IV has a few things over San Andreas such as combat controls, the gps system, the replay mission option and the awesome multiplayer, but thats about it. Vice City and all the other GTA games have pretty much nothing on San Andreas. The soundtrack of Vice City is pretty sweet though. I could certainly see why someone would prefer Vice Citys soundtrack but I prefer the one in San Andreas.
Best GTAs in order:
- San Andreas
- Vice City
- Chinatown Wars
- Vice City Stories
- Liberty City Stories
- GTA 3
Yep I pretty much agree
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