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25 Awesome new monster images and special weekend event in Monster MMORPG

Hello dear players. Monster MMORPG once again making a special weekend event with nice bonusses. But the real suprise for this weekend is updated 25 monster images. You can catch them in the game.

Also the process of developing MonsterMMORPG 2.0 started. Stay tuned.

Official site :

Incoming new maps :

Incoming new awesome monsters :

The new updated mosnter images

Redrawn By Henrie

[Image: 436Piribbean.png] [Image: 437Piraid.png] [Image: 550Collecrow.png] [Image: 551Ravenatch.png] [Image: 643Sporoom.png]

Redrawn By GarbageKeeper

[Image: 279Coltide.png] [Image: 280Rainay.png] [Image: 281Horiver.png] [Image: 341Darex.png] [Image: 342Riblack.png] [Image: 343Tyranoir.png] [Image: 344Stegorch.png] [Image: 345Kentower.png] [Image: 346Solare.png] [Image: 352Wasteal.png] [Image: 353Parastlyze.png] [Image: 388Shocoil.png] [Image: 389Wattesla.png] [Image: 390Voltesla.png] [Image: 499Wateel.png] [Image: 500Snakrait.png] [Image: 501Gardeel.png] [Image: 541Nukid.png] [Image: 542Cautant.png] [Image: 543Radiaution.png]