MonsterMMORPG is the new leader of addicting games with the features it provides. MonsterMMORPG recently started to improve its current monster images quality with the volunteer artists help. If you want more information about monster mmorpg monsters check out its awesome dex . The special game banners are also high quality and you can use them.
You should also check out awesome game avatars of monstermmorpg :) Also the new incoming monsters of monstermmorpg is fantastic.
We also recently hired a professional pixel artist to get new awesome quality 520 new maps . Once they are done we will replace our current game maps with them. Login this adventure and play right now for free :)
MonsterMMORPG gameplay screenshots are also very instructive about the game itself. MonsterMMORPG game dedicated forum also very useful.
Don't forget to check out gameplay videos page of monstermmorpg. Also check out monstermmorpg youtube channel for videos
And now the redrawn high quality monsters of monstermmorpg. They are available in the game right now. So you can catch them and have them :)
Redrawn By Henrie
Redrawn By GarbageKeeper
Redrawn By Miyavi