Special event 27.07.2013 - Extra Chance To Catch Rare Monsters
Special weekend event of Monster MMORPG
200% Bonus Gold & Money from all battles
Below rare monsters have double chance to appear on the maps
MonsterMMORPG's forum posts
Special Weekend EXP, Gold and Rare Monster Catch Event Started on Monster MMORPG
* 150% EXP & Gold bonus from all battles
* Double chance to catch below Ancient and Legendary Monsters
---- Ancient
---- Legendary
Special Weekend EXP, Gold and Rare Monster Catch Event Started on Monster MMORPG
* 150% EXP & Gold bonus from all battles
* Double chance to catch below Ancient and Legendary Monsters
---- Ancient
---- Legendary
There is a thing being inspired by, and sometimes you can get a bit too inspired by something. Some of these look a bit too heavily inspired by some pokemon, like this.
As for Ogres. Ogres are based on mythology and folklore that is public domain and we already have a view of what an Ogre is like. And no one is enforcing the right to ogres. However some of these monsters look like cheap knock offs to avoid legal issues from another corporation.
  the beats on the neck.
 looks extremely familiar too. Probably a weapon in FF7.
That said, I am glad you are creating your own IP for your "Pokemon" MMO as opposed to just taking Nintendo's IP. Still, I would suggest slightly redesigning some monsters. Having monsters that look like cheap knockoffs only makes the game look cheap. The game looks interesting though and might be worth a try, I am a sucker for Megami Tensei style games. But if the game feels as cheap as some of these monsters would imply then I will probably stay away.
thanks for detailed reply but there is one big misconception
i am not forcing or requesting this monsters to be drawn by artists
they are drawing as they wish. so i am checking these artists gallery and asking their permission to use if those images are not violating copyrights of nintendo by USA laws
as can be seen at above images, they are not violating. some call them as rip off some call them as awesome
then every ogre in every game is rip offIs that a mini Ho-oh close to the bottom? Â So many blatant rip offs.
Version 2.1.5 Has arrived to Monster MMORPG with 107 new monsters and some very cool new features
* 107 New monsters added to the game (can be seen at the bottom of the thread) and 9 monsters images updated
---- Image updated monsters: 1122: Angpsy, 1125: Bossang, 1140: Sepra, 1141: Serptychc, 1619: Helioptile, 1639: Wappa, 1624: Drapkin, 1625: Pupgon, 1626: Pumpagon
* New full featured stat calculator coded. This tool is supposed to work as you are in battle, which mean full stats.
---- First load the monster then click update to see stats
---- Stat Calculator :http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Stat-Calculator
* How to play, quick tutorial added to the home page and also as an in-depended page
---- How to play Monster MMORPG:http://www.monstermmorpg.com/How-To-Play
* New rules page added to the game and also hot linked with an icon from chat screen
---- Game rules: http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Rules
* Voting sites count decreased significantly
* All monsters on maps re-assigned
* All monsters default abilities re-assigned
* All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned
* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)
---- http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Not-Appear-On-Maps.txt
* Credits page updated with row numbers also more artists added
---- http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Credits
* Main navigation menu bar and some hot links at the footer and header updated
*For the weekend 200% EXP & Gold bonus event started
* Home page load time decreased with performance tuning
* Here 107 new monsters from 9 new volunteer artists
Version 2.1.5 Has arrived to Monster MMORPG with 107 new monsters and some very cool new features
* 107 New monsters added to the game (can be seen at the bottom of the thread) and 9 monsters images updated
---- Image updated monsters: 1122: Angpsy, 1125: Bossang, 1140: Sepra, 1141: Serptychc, 1619: Helioptile, 1639: Wappa, 1624: Drapkin, 1625: Pupgon, 1626: Pumpagon
* New full featured stat calculator coded. This tool is supposed to work as you are in battle, which mean full stats.
---- First load the monster then click update to see stats
---- Stat Calculator :http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Stat-Calculator
* How to play, quick tutorial added to the home page and also as an in-depended page
---- How to play Monster MMORPG:http://www.monstermmorpg.com/How-To-Play
* New rules page added to the game and also hot linked with an icon from chat screen
---- Game rules: http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Rules
* Voting sites count decreased significantly
* All monsters on maps re-assigned
* All monsters default abilities re-assigned
* All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned
* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)
---- http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Not-Appear-On-Maps.txt
* Credits page updated with row numbers also more artists added
---- http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Credits
* Main navigation menu bar and some hot links at the footer and header updated
*For the weekend 200% EXP & Gold bonus event started
* Home page load time decreased with performance tuning
* Here 107 new monsters from 9 new volunteer artists
* 83 New monsters added to the game
---- The good part is we have new artists this means more monster possibilities at the future
---- Total number of contributor monster artist count increased to 38
---- These artists can be seen at credits page
* Very special weekend event started with 300% EXP and Gold boost
---- This event will probably finish this tuesday - 9 July
* All monsters on maps re-assigned
* All monsters default abilities re-assigned
* All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned
* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)
---- http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Not-Appear-On-Maps.txt
* MonsterDex now displays 100 monsters per page
* 3 Monsters images updated
---- #980 Flicey, #955 Falcipy, #1501 Behemoth
* Here the newly added monsters
Monster MMORPG V 2.1.4 Deployed - Change Logs
* 83 New monsters added to the game
---- The good part is we have new artists this means more monster possibilities at the future
---- Total number of contributor monster artist count increased to 38
---- These artists can be seen at credits page
* Very special weekend event started with 300% EXP and Gold boost
---- This event will probably finish this tuesday - 9 July
* All monsters on maps re-assigned
* All monsters default abilities re-assigned
* All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned
* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)
---- http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Not-Appear-On-Maps.txt
* MonsterDex now displays 100 monsters per page
* 3 Monsters images updated
---- #980 Flicey, #955 Falcipy, #1501 Behemoth
* Here the newly added monsters
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