Hello everybody. This being my first blog on Gamespot, I do realize that 'everyone' might just consist of one person but hopefully that won't be the case. Maybe I'll get three views! Anyways, I thought I'd provide my thoughts and such on Microsoft's press conference. I do hope and plan on doing so for all the press conferences given, which consists of Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft. Konami gave one however I've only seen snippets of it. We'll see what I can get to and such.
First off, I'll give a short little insight into the author of this blog. I love gaming. I have ever since I was but a wee Mooplaid sitting in front of the 2600 arguing with the family over whom got play Pac-Man or Outlaw next. I've amassed a pretty good collection of games as well as systems. I used to play a lot more in the past, but of course having a job and responsibilities and such precludes some of that from happening as often as I'd like. I play when I can, and I play to have fun. I don't 'boost' in games as that just doesn't feel right to me. Fun is my main motivator.
I enjoy strategy and role playing games the most as I tend to think a bit when playing games versus memorizing where gun spawns are and camping our player spawn sites. I do enjoy shooters, don't get me wrong. However I mainly play campaigns or cooperative modes when I do. On the rarer occasion that I do play multiplayer in a shooter, I again play to enjoy myself. If I die, I die and if I take a few people with me, all the better. Those that know me know to keep away from me if I have a rocket launcher in my hands. ;) Be it friend or foe. hehe That's how I approach multiplayer in shooters. I find the idea of practicing constantly to get to spawn points quicker and such or getting all bent out of shape when your ranking is affected to not be in the spirit of a true gamer. Some may dislike me or dismiss me for those views, but I am entitled to them, just as they're entitled to their opinions.
I have nearly all the gaming systems. Of the current generation, I enjoy playing my 360 the most. The time I've played my PS3 combined with the Wii doesn't even come close to the time I've spent playing my 360. I consider myself a Xbox fan moreso than a Sony or Nintendo fan. I'd not consider myself a fanboy, because I do realize each has their strengths and weaknesses. I also tend to differentiate the companies from their respective consoles. They each have their place in the market currently. I guess I'm hopeful that Xbox comes out on top primarily because that's the one I enjoy the most.
I also work with gaming. No, I'm no developer. I wish. I work in the retail end of it. I have for quite a few years. I'm the most knowledgeable (overall) gamingwise at my job (in terms of the store(s) I work at), and that has been the case ever since I've been working in retail. I know many customers well, enjoy talking to them when they come in, and getting them excited over new games coming out. So suffice to say I'm pretty good at recognizing what customers want and enjoy.
There's a lot more to me and my gaming habits. However, that's a short primer on the gamer known as Mooplaid. :) That hopefully allows you to see where I'm coming from and understand a little bit on my viewpoint when I talk about subjects. Oh, and I do like to joke around a bit and be sarcastic at times, so hopefully that's not a bother to anyone.
Ok, that's enough chatter; on to the Microsoft Press Conference (in the next blog due to space constraints). In doing so I am going under the assumption that most of the readers have seen the briefing. If you have not, it is available to view and download right here on Gamespot. Keep in mind this is the briefing (other than Konami's) that I was most looking forward to seeing.