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Good Shooter control scheme for a serious Wii shooter

As we all know the nintendo wii has always had awesome crappy launch titles that are currently availabe are extremely
abusive of the controls and dissapoint all the wii owners and add doubt to the mind of the future buyer (such as myself) because of their... well, crapiness:) So today, I saw an interesting post in the forums and then this control scheme just hit me!
1.move with analogue move nunchuck left or right for corresponding dash
2.D-pad for changing guns to activate zoom, bring up wiimote to eye level hold
3.C to crouch pull nunchuck alone to jump so as not affect shooting...but wait, your right...both wiimote and nunchuck to jump...more realism open doors etc. do pulling motion with nunchuck like metroid and i guess red steel... activate melee mode, pretend the wiimote is a gun and make a "put in gun holder motion" then fists would come and thus making the nunchuck and wiimote fists, then do same motion to activate guns again hit with a gun, like you know, melee with a gun, you can like hold the A button or something then do a hitting motion with wiimote...

Hope y'all like it! Obviously it doesn't work for metroid and such, but you can see how it works for other types of games:wink:
