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via Canada: New and MORE money and game issues...

Well, seeing as i got my Wii only a week or so ago, I have LOTS to catch up on! In my situation, after Wii sports, the game I got was RE4 (i don't want to explain why...). But, my next game, will be Metroid, which is now in August. Thyen I have September, where I will buy one of 3 games (if not 2 of them) which will be SPM, LoZ or Warioware (or SPM or Loz AND Warioware). Then, in November, I have SMG, which is supposed to hold me off until Dec 3rd, which will be the launch of the game that will hold up till the next console :P, Super Smash Bros. Brawl!!! Obviously, I will have to buy either SPM or LoZ depending on which I missed out on first, after Brawl or something, then I have my birthday on Dec 4th :P:P:P which is awesome and christmas on Dec 25!!! So I can see with what to upgrade my Wii (controllers, Wii Points and the like). Finally, throughout this stuff I can still buy VC games and stuff again, and being a Flash Game fanatic, the Wii browser will hold me up whenever I have nothing to do on PC or on the Wii. I also have a few GC games to look into...The real problem is, how the bloody hell can I afford this stuff :?!? I mean, I know my allownce got a boost from $80(US) (250 Dhs) to $160(US) (500Dhs) per month, I probably still can't afford all this stuff comfortably and watch movies in the cinema...

Well, maybe one day I can win the Lotto or buy a scratch card and win me a few millions..

Till I win a million dollars *cough*or you guys give me lots and lots of donations just beccause we're all friends here at gamespot*cough*