The 90's, in my opinion (some of you guys might agree) the 90's were the Golden Era of gaming, in that decade many things happened within the Games industry that really changed gaming for the better. Well in the 80's gaming was very young and not noticed but in the 90's gaming became a phenomena, it was everywhere and getting respect it deserved.
The 90's was the time period in which we saw 2D transition to 3D graphics, Mainstream acceptance of the games industry, Amazing new franchises, Familiar franchises became truly realized (e.g. FF7, MGS etc), Growth of the games industry.
Yeah, when I look back at how gaming has progressed forward it makes me all teary eyed but enough about that. In the forefront of all this gaming greatness were three giants of the games industry; Nintendo, Sega and the new guy Sony.
These three companies really defined the decade, if it wasn't for them the games industry would have probably died out. Nintendo, Sony and Sega gave the gaming industry just what it needed, a good jolt of fantastic games that caught the imagination of the world. Unfortunately Sega got out of the console race because of financial reasons but they will always be remembered as a company that helped shape the Games industry (Yes I'm aware that Sega is not dead).
So my point is even though we might bash Nintendo, Sega and Sony now and then, we must still respect them in our hearts for their kind contribution, if it wasn't for them we probably wouldn't be gaming now.
After all, as gamers how can we look to the future if we don't accept our past.