I've come to notice, that next gen gamers, such as, Online FPS and so on, are missing the main idea of gaming. It is supposed to be fun douche-bag! Every time I play Rainbow Six Vegas, there is always some ass-jack on there, "OMG,fCK YOU!!! DIE!!" because they keep losing. Now words of advice, before you cause yourself to have an anal prolapse,either end your pathetic, obsessive, premature life now, or buy a damn nintendo. Jesus, is it me, or do Nintendo players just seem to be more in it for the fun? There is not really any competitive nature to the games, minus, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Primal Rage, Super Smash Bros. etc. But, this was when multiplayer was with your friends! Interaction with real people, in the flesh, when Multiplayer was fun. Not this"OH IM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!" bull shtyou live in a different timezone cock wad,But really, all in all, these next gen queers fail to realize, is regardless of how much you "own" on X Box Live or the PS3 network, you are still a competitive, testosterone, driven F*** who needs a shotgun blast to the senses. pick up a NES,SNES,N64, GC if your gay or a nifty Wii. And yes fan boy i do realize the Wii is next gen, so before you try to "own" me on t3h1n73rw3b,GTFO![cont.]Those consoles set out to accomplish one thing, a thing that many gamers of today have lost, and that is to have fun!:D
Shigsy FTW!