That's right, be jealous, just got my tickets to see MEGADETH! WOOT!! They're on tour with Testament and Slayer, the concert is not till Feb. but it is going to fackin sick!!! \m/ \m/
On another note, Boondock Saints II was awesome! Saw it like 2 weeks ago, forgot to post a blog. It was awesome for a sequel, not gonna spoil any of it, those who saw the first one and liked it go and pay your respects by going to see this sweet new film.
More movies! Ugh, what a disgrace. I cannot tell you how terrible both Paranormal Activity and The 4th Kind were. Both belong in the toilet. Some lady flipping out because a door moved back and forth? OH NO! The 4th kind was even more ridiculous. An alien kidnapping and dialect in a 4,000 year old language..? Seriously? Why not just tell me that aliens are gonna come abduct me and probe my brain? So dumb. Not worth a trip to the theater. Both were fake by the way.
-Mopar OUT.