1 month as of yesterday = last day of school & prom :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
seriously excited, no more stupid school, that stage of my life is done, i can leave those immature, stuck up people behind. there was a time when i thought they were my friends, now i cant wait to get away from them. i rememeber a time when i used to love school, i almost feel stupid for enjoying myself with those people who have just forgetten me and changed into people i dont even care about anymore.
god, reading that makes me sound like a right loner, i do have some people who i actually care about enough to go to school and still have a laugh with, but these people were the ones i never used to spend time with, i do ask myself sometimes why i wasn't close with these people sooner.
im definatly looking forward to the next part of my life, i just want the next 5 years to go slower cos i think these will be brill.
the editor of the local paper is coming into school on thursday to talk to students who are intersted on journalism, so far im the only one i know who is going, but hopefully it will be ok and helpful to me.
One Tree Hill on tonight ( 2morrow 4 me) but cant wait, ive been having withdrawl symptoms. i was going to get the season 5 DVDs at the weekend and id seen it advertised for £25, i went in to a different shop and it was £35 , so i guess i'll just wait till i can get to the other shop.
right now im in one of those moods to just put on a sad film and cry, actually i might put OTH on later, i love the episode on the second season the one b4 the final were they are all reading out their english finals, that always makes me cry. ive been listening to that song that plays when haley and lucas say goodbye to each other in new york loads lately, if you dont have it you should defo download it, its called Can you sleep by Courtney jaye.
today was quite good, its always good when you have double textiles :P
me and my friend just sit and laugh about nothing and draw designs. im gonna miss her, she's one of those i wish i had been closer with sooner i lover her to bits.
the whole year group has been asked to stop talking about prom during lessons, thats all we ever talk about lol, apparently its getting in the way of " education time".
anyway thats all. bye xox
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