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MoreThanAnyone Blog

why do i feel like this?

lately i just feel so lonely and that my life is boring and i hate it.
i started college in september 08 i do enjoy it and feel as though i need it to carry on with the rest of my life aka uni and career
i dont really have close friends just friends, i do have some one who i consider my best friend but we still arent that close
i feel as though my life living where i live is not what i want
i really cant wait to just move out and experience more
im only 16 but cnt wait to start living my life
i see photos of people my age on facebook and they all seem to have much more fun than i do
i just dont know what to do to stop feeling like this!!

I know There's So Much More, So Much More Than I Can See

11 days left :D

so everyone has started signing year books today, it took me all day to write 10 pages in my friends book and i was crying by the end of it, she sent me a text when she had read it and said she had choked up :cry:

dunno if you have all seen the pics from the james lafferty charity game yet but im seriously love them, jackson is even more cute when he is with james. and how hot did james look. i so wish i could have been there but i think it would have cost a fortune and i really can't miss school rite now. Joy's version of the national anthem was so good i love her so much i think im just as obssessed with her than i am OTH. while i was sat in science i was just zoneing out and i must have been thinking about joy because i just caught a glimse of a poster of the solar system and instead of reading jupiter i read it joypiter lol i had a little chuckle to my self and my friend gave me a weird look :)

i really can't wait to read what people will write in my book, i need to take it tomorrow cos i 4got it today. everyone was just being really giggly today, you can totally tell were leaving in 2 weeks all anyone wants to do is just sit and reminise and laugh!

i really dont know what else to say i just wanted to blog for some reason

anyway bye guys xoxox

My World's Getting Clearer ,So Wait For Me This Time.


1 month as of yesterday = last day of school & prom :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

seriously excited, no more stupid school, that stage of my life is done, i can leave those immature, stuck up people behind. there was a time when i thought they were my friends, now i cant wait to get away from them. i rememeber a time when i used to love school, i almost feel stupid for enjoying myself with those people who have just forgetten me and changed into people i dont even care about anymore.

god, reading that makes me sound like a right loner, i do have some people who i actually care about enough to go to school and still have a laugh with, but these people were the ones i never used to spend time with, i do ask myself sometimes why i wasn't close with these people sooner.

im definatly looking forward to the next part of my life, i just want the next 5 years to go slower cos i think these will be brill.

the editor of the local paper is coming into school on thursday to talk to students who are intersted on journalism, so far im the only one i know who is going, but hopefully it will be ok and helpful to me.

One Tree Hill on tonight ( 2morrow 4 me) but cant wait, ive been having withdrawl symptoms. i was going to get the season 5 DVDs at the weekend and id seen it advertised for £25, i went in to a different shop and it was £35 , so i guess i'll just wait till i can get to the other shop.

right now im in one of those moods to just put on a sad film and cry, actually i might put OTH on later, i love the episode on the second season the one b4 the final were they are all reading out their english finals, that always makes me cry. ive been listening to that song that plays when haley and lucas say goodbye to each other in new york loads lately, if you dont have it you should defo download it, its called Can you sleep by Courtney jaye.

today was quite good, its always good when you have double textiles :P

me and my friend just sit and laugh about nothing and draw designs. im gonna miss her, she's one of those i wish i had been closer with sooner i lover her to bits.

the whole year group has been asked to stop talking about prom during lessons, thats all we ever talk about lol, apparently its getting in the way of " education time".

anyway thats all. bye xox

It's gonna be more than I can take

at the end of this week only 1 month and 13 days left at school, wow thats scary:?

my prom dress is now ready i just have to go and collect it cant wait :) my birthday in less than a month and got my pressie already - a new phone, its very pretty!

got a uni prospectus in the post today and i think thats the place i would love to go, i just wish i could apply already.

had a maths exam today and it went terribly hopefully ive passed i need an A to pass and i thought it was real hard.

we finished reading of mice and men today in english, i already new what happened in the end but i had no idea it would nearly make me cry, just the way it was written, i could defo read that again. i think were finishing the film version tomorrow i just hope i can control myself and not cry in front of the whole cla$$

thats all i really have, so heres a quiz ;

[x] You own over 10 bottles of nail polish
[ ] You own perfume that cost over $60
[x] You had/have fake nails
[x] You have more hair products than you can use
[ ] You have enough clothes to cover an entire refugee camp.
[x] You have enough pictures to create your own wallpaper.

Total: 4

Do you:
[ ] Have/had a hair color that is not your natural color
[x] Have "blonde moments" at least once a day
[x] Constantly keep your phone at your side
[] Dance around in your room when nobody else is home
[ ] Refuse to go out in public without makeup

Total: 6


[x] Makeup
[x] Glitter
[ ] The Color Pink
[x] Shopping
[x] Jewelery
[x] Mirrors
[x] Chick flicks
[x] Shoes
[ ] Rainbows
[ ] Unicorns
[x] Disney Movies
[ ] Candles
[x] Flowers
[ ] Stuffed Animals
[x] Purses
[x] Boots
[x] Starbucks

Total: 18


[x] Whatever.
[x] Oh my gosh/goodness/god
[ ] Hun/honey
[ ] That's hot
[ ] Dunzo
[ ] Darling
[ ] Psh
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hottie
[x] Totally
[ ] Fer Shur
[ ] Fabulous
[x] hell ya
[x] like
[x] duh

Total: 24

Do You Read:

[x] Cosmopolitan/Cosmo Girl
[ ] Cleo
[ ] Marie Claire
[x] Elle
[x] Vogue
[ ] Dolly
[ ] Girlfriend
[ ] Teen Vogue
[ ] Famous
[ ] New idea
[ ] NW
[ ] Madison
[ ] Who

Total: 28

Have you Seen These:

[x] Legally Blonde
[ ] Elizabethtown
[x] Mean Girls
[ ] Now & Then
[x] The Notebook
[x] A Walk to Remember
[x] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[x] Just my luck
[x] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] Centerstage
[x] Bring it On
[x] How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[ ] Mona Lisa Smile

Total: 37

Are you/ have you been Addicted to...

[ ] LOST
[ ] America's Next Top Model
[ ] Project Runway
[ ] Desperate Housewives
[x] The Simple Life
[x] Next pussycat doll
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Grey's Anatomy
[x] The O.C.
[x] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[ ] Gilmore Girls
[] Veronica Mars
[x] One tree hill

Total: 42

ALL TOTAL: 42 x 2 = 84% Barbie

But I'll Take My Time If You Want To

hey guys i havent writen a blog in so long so i thought it was time.

I have been so busy with school work lately and to go on top of that everything has changed so much. i have just over 2 week to finish all of my textiles and art work and its getting me stressed, these are the only subjects im bothered about now.

i had a real confdence boost today, last period we were putting together coursework folders in english and i got my grades back for everything i had done. my lowest mark was a B, i think i got 2 B's, 4 A's and an A* which i never expected. and i was reading back on a piece i did over a year ago which got me an A and it nearly made me cry i never thought i could write like that, and the teacher commented that im a natural writer which has made me even more confident about my future.

okay now the bad news ive totally, well not actually me, but messed up with one of my closest friends. a few weeks she was being off and just ignoring me and saying things about me behind my back which i found out from other people. and i have done absolutly nothing to affend her. i asked her if had done something she said no, apoligised and said she was still my friend. seriously she wrote laods to me on an email apoligising over and over again. then the next day nothings changed and shes still ignoring me. anyway i got really upset and my mum even rung up school to keep an eye on me and her cos i was that upset. im so pissed at her and i really miss her :cry:

on to better things ive got accepted to college yay!! its just conditional that i have to get my predicted grades in school but im sure i will :):)

the title for my art exam is "barriers" and i dont know what to do for my final piece anyone have any ideas, barriers can mean absolutly anything as long as you can explain why. like i was thinking wedding rings or vows but still dont know how i can express that, any ideas would be welcome :)

and on to my favourite topic One Tree Hill, Tim came back i thought he was so sweet and hope we get to see more of him, id love to see him and Nathan back together. every jamie scene just melts my heart he is so adorable, actually i saw this little boy today who looked just like him and he kept looking and smiling at me, i thought it was so weird that he was the one staring at me instead of the other way around.

thats enough from me bye xoxox

Panic Central - edited

OMG i do not believe i am about 2 say this but this has ruined my day and i am literally in tears, my disc 1 of One Tree Hill season 2 has gone mising i was just about 2 watch and opened the box and shock there was nothing there, i seriously have no idea were it has gone and need 2 watch it im soo upset and panicking like crazy.

its too late to hunt for it now so im gonna have 2 wait till mornin, n thankfully i have a day off school which is such a coincidence as i will have all 2morrow 2 rummage thru everything and everywhere in my house.

ok writing this has helped me 2 cool down im no longer crying but im still raging

edited- i found it! im soo happy i watched it straight away, being home from school was brill 2day, OTH dvd day.

i had a new dvd player for christmas and my mum set it all up forme, but she didnt check if anything was in the old one before moving it, so i found the player that had luckily not been chucked out and pluged it in and opened it and there was my dvd, i had such a smile on my face it was unreal lol :D :D

Let yourself be enchanted, you just might break through

hey guys

going to see enchanted 2morrow ( hence the title ) it looks brill, then going to see st.trinians hopefully on monday. everything comes around at once!

no more school till after this festive holiday lol, today was soo cold and soo long. after the staff panto i had to sit around in school and wait for my bus, while lots went home, i hate living where i am, its not close to anything. but anyways i just sat and chatted to my mate for nearly 2 hours!

anyone know when the OTH dvds are out in the uk? i was hoping i could have them for christmas, i couldnt help my self i have already watched most of the extras on the t'internet.

the more im bored, the more i think, the more i get frustrated. why is it that all the guys go for the easy and not at all pretty girls. i just want someone who wants to be with me!! ive been thinking about the couples in my year and none of them are pretty at all. i wouldnt call myself ugly nor pretty but prettier than the hoes in my year gah there so fake and they make me so angry when they think there so much better than you are.

ok rant over but im sure you all agree right?

oh and im not beincruel or maybe i am but the girl who used to be my bestest friend who i used to rant about alot on here has had her hair done and im sure if we were still close i would have told her not to, her new friends must not care, but honestly it looks stupid, but hey its not my area anymore, i am no longer in the best friend role.

hope you all have a lovely christmas xoxox

One Tree Hill Sneak Peek


thought i would post the link to the new naley scene for season 5, you might have already seen it but i love it so much i wouldnt want anyone missing out. although im a naley fluff kind of person, i totally love the intense stuff too, its just too amazing.

now im so exicted for January 8th


havent got anything else to say so ill go now xoxox

New Fast Forward


just wanted to blog to say how great the new OTH fast forward is, i loveit and keep watchin it over. Joy looks absolutely amazing i am soo jelous. and james looks beautiful too as ever, and watching them both talk about jackson was adorable, i have just fell in love with OTH once again and now im nearly too excited for season 5.

and i wannasay that i bought the book "the notebook" on saturday and have just finished it. im not really a book person but after getting obsessed with the film i had to read the book, and it was well good i cant believe i finished it ive only ever finished a book like 3 times.

everyone excited for christmas??

cya bye xxxxxx

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